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IELTS Grammar (5.5-7.5)
副標題 :
作者 : Fiona DAvis
分類 : English
索書號 : 420.76
關鍵字 :
English Verbs & Essentials of Grammar for ESL Learners
作者 : Ed Swick
索書號 : 425
關鍵字 : Marine algae
Practice Makes Perfect: English Grammar for ESL Learners
索書號 : 420.7
ESL Grammar : Intermediate and Advanced
副標題 : Intermediate & Advanced
作者 : Munoz Page,Mary Ellen
English Grammar For Dummies
作者 : Woods Gerldine
關鍵字 : English language > Grammar > Self-instruction
Easy and Engaging ESL Activities and Mini-books for Every Classroom
作者 : Einhorn Kama
關鍵字 : English language > Grammar
Essentials of English
作者 : Hopper Vincent F.,Gale Cedric,Foote Ronald C.
關鍵字 : Examinations > Study guides > English language > Grammar
How to Improve Reading Comprehension Quickly
副標題 : By Knowing Your Personal Reading Comprehension Style
作者 : Linksman Ricki
索書號 : 428.4
關鍵字 : English language > Grammar > Examinations > Study guides
Concise english grammar
作者 :
索書號 : 420.076
關鍵字 : HKDSE
關鍵字 : HKDSEE > 旅遊與款待
Amazing english practical grammar book 1
作者 : Cheng, Domingo
Amazing english practical grammar book 2
Oxford English grammar course advanced
作者 : Michael Swan,Catherine Walter
關鍵字 : grammar > adjectives > adverb > preposition > clauses
Oxford practice grammar intermediate with answers
作者 : John Eastwood
關鍵字 : grammar > reported speech > adverb > preposition > clauses > adjectives > articles
Oxford practice grammar advanced with answers
作者 : George Yule
關鍵字 : grammar > reported speech > adverb > preposition > clauses > adjectives > gerunds
Common English errors in Hong Kong
作者 : David Bunton
索書號 : 428.2
關鍵字 : grammar > adjective > adverb
More common English errors in Hong Kong
關鍵字 : grammar > adjectives > adverb > preposition > prefix > suffix
Oxford English grammar course intermediate
關鍵字 : grammar > adjectives > adverb > preposition > indirect speech > pronouns > articles
Theme-based grammar fruit level
作者 : Krist Mak,Anna Corser
關鍵字 : grammar
One minute grammar
作者 : Eugene Page